La Salle University 2018-2019 Honor Roll of Donors

2019 - 2020

Honor Roll of Donors

Thank You To
The Brother Teliow Society


Note: Data traced back to fiscal year 1986 only.


In honor of La Salle’s first president, Brother Teliow Fackeldey, FSC, The Brother Teliow Society recognizes alumni, parents, friends and foundations who have generously contributed $1,000,000 or more to the University during their lifetime.

The Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg School of Communications
Anthony G. Canavo
Pascal R. Canavo, '55
Susan F. Altamore Carusi, '82
The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation
City of Philadelphia
Connelly Foundation
Peter J. Dalton, '66
De La Salle Community
Steve Degnan, '87
Nancy and J. Hugh Devlin, '64
Peter M. DiBattiste, M.D., '78
Leon Ellerson, '56
Elliott-Lewis Corporation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Darlene and Edward J. Fierko, '63
Joan Mancini, '74,
   and Thomas J. Fitzpatrick Jr., '72
Maureen A.
   and John T. Fries, '66
John E. Glaser, '62
Elmer F. Hansen III, '90
Dorothy M.
   and William J. Henrich Jr., '50
Independence Blue Cross Foundation
Independence Foundation
J. P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
John McShain Charities Incorporated
Joseph Schmitz Jr Trust
Janet H.
   and Thomas J. Kean, '54
The Kean Hartquist Foundation Incoporated
La Salle University Alumni Association
Liberty Coca-Cola Beverages
Kelly A.
   and Robert W. Liptak II, '86
Robert L. Luddy, '68
Luddy Charitable Foundation
Kathleen Gordon, '77,
   and James J. Lynch, '71
James J.
   and Frances M. Maguire
The Maguire Foundation
Jacqueline F.
   and William J. McCormick Jr., '58
John L. McHale, '49
John McShain
John Langan, '63,
   and Judith Nadell
National Science Foundation
The New York Community Trust
Ruth and Anthony J. Nocella, '66
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation Incorporated
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development
Leo W. Pierce Jr., '67
Margaret B.
   and Thomas F. Pyle Jr., '62
Carmen V. Romeo, '65
William R. Sautter, CPA, '71
PTS Foundation
The School District of Philadelphia
Schwab Charitable
Frank Stanton, '51
Townsend Foundation
TruMark Financial Credit Union
United States Department of Health
   and Human Services
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Vanguard Charitable
The William Penn Foundation
The WW Smith Charitable Trust