La Salle University 2018-2019 Honor Roll of Donors

2019 - 2020

Honor Roll of Donors

Thank You
Blue and Gold Legacy Society

Note: Data traced back to fiscal year 1986 only.


The Blue and Gold Legacy Society recognizes alumni, parents, and friends who have honored La Salle through their investments in planned giving and bequest commitments.

We gratefully acknowledge and celebrate the tradition of generosity, connectedness and trust the Blue and Gold Society members have made in informing La Salle University of their intentions.

Almira C. Bainbridge
Charles L. Bakaitis
John S. Baky
James F. Barr
Joseph P. Batory
Anthony Battaglia, Ph.D.
Albert Francis Bauer
John B. Beal
Maurice Kevin Bennett
Leroy J. Bentzley
Marion A. (Williams) Berry
Andrew J. Betancourt
Paul F. Betz, Ph.D.
John L. Biehl Jr.
William J. Binkowski
Frank S. Blatcher
Genevieve Blatt
Harold J. Bliss Jr., Esq.
Betty M. Bott
Jerome H. Brodish, M.D.
Walter J. Brough
James J. Broussard
Leonard A. Brownstein, Ph.D.
Joseph R. Buckley
Elsie Bucs
Janine B. Buffone-Hand
Donald J. Burkhimer
Kathleen M. Burns and John Kapusnick
MG William F. Burns
Anthony G. Canavo
Pascal R. Canavo
Barbara Carabello and John F. Carabello, DMD
Edward P. Carey, Esq.
Thomas J. Casey
Rudolf Chope
Kathryn F. Cocozza
John T. Colligan, Ph.D.
William J. Collins Jr.
John H. Condon, Sr.
Thomas A. Cottone
Michael C. Coughlin
Maurice E. Cox, Jr.
Karen M. Crane
Albert J. Crawford, Jr., Esq.
Thomas F. Crawford, Esq.
Robert C. Crosson
Maureen E. Cullen
J. Russell Cullen, Sr.
Estate ofWalter M. Czarnota
Cora M. Daniels
Joseph T. Danzi, M.D.
Joseph L. Darr, M.D.
Lois Darr
BG James J. David
Frank E. Davis, Jr.
Charles J. Day
Mary E. Dean
Robert T. Deck, Ph.D.
Frank P. Delich
Lawrence DeMarie, Esq.
Raymond J. Derbyshire
Frances DeVincent
Alfred J. DiMatties
Richard A. DiSammartino
Thomas J. Donaghy, Ph.D.
Francis R. Donovan
Catherine E. Doran
Michael L. Duffy, J.D.
John V. Dugan Jr., Ph.D.
Albina H. Dunleavy
Francis J. Dunleavy
Brian A. Dursum
Joseph J. Eberle, Jr.
Charles F. Echelmeier, F.S.C.
George J. Edelmann, Jr. Retired
Philomena M. Edelmann
Leon Ellerson
Francis X. Farrell, M.D.
Vernice D. Ferguson
Edward J. Fierko
Joseph C. Flanagan, M.D.
Joseph F. Flubacher, Ed.D.
Joseph C. Flynn, M.D.
Patricia A. Fogel
Estate of Helen V. Foote
Margaret A. Forand
Norman F. Forand
Everett Frank, Jr.
Ludwig M. Frank, M.D.
John T. and Maureen A. Fries
Joseph A. Gallagher
James I. Gillespie, CPA
Nicholas A. Giordano
John E. Glaser
Judith N. Goldhammer
William J. Good
Donald W. Goodwin
M Louise Goodwin
John A. Guischard, Ph.D.
Charles J. Haag
Francis E. Halloran
Charles A J Halpin, Jr., J.D.
Joseph L. Hanley
Paul T. Hannan
Claire M. Happ
Henry J. Happ, Jr.
Thomas Joseph Haughey
Alfred R. Henderson, M.D.
Michael F. Heron
Katherine V. Hickey
Fredrick Himmelstein
Roland Holroyd, Ph.D.
Jordan Hopchik, DNP
Peter A. Horty
Philip E. Hughes Jr., Esq.
Francis X. Jardel
Daniel E. Jaskolski
John Cleaver Jones
Leroy A. Jones
Francis W. Judge
John I. Kavanagh Sr.
Robert A. Kay
Thomas F. Kehoe
Estate ofJoseph A. Kelbaugh
Maurice A. Kelley
John J. Kelly
Margaret M. Kelly
John W. Kinee
William A. King, Jr.
John Christopher Kleis, Ph.D.
Charles J. Kriessman, Jr., Ph.D.
Harry F. Kusick Jr.
James B. Lane, M.D.
Edward D. Laskowski
Gregory Le Cerff
Mary F. (Dalton) Leimkuhler
William J. Leimkuhler
Frederick John Leinhauser
Charles A. Leonard, Ph.D.
Thomas A. Leonard, CPA
John P. Lohn
Frank J. Lomanno
Kathleen (Gordon) and James J. Lynch
Roger Marchetti
Anthony M. Marino
John Mastronardo
Lawrence E. McAlee, Esq.
Thomas J. McCann
Regina McCarren
Jacqueline F. and William J. McCormick Jr.
Robert J. McDermott
Barbara McDonald
Douglas S. McFarlane
Edward F. McGonigal
Augustine J. McGuire
Michael W. McGuire
John L. and Genevieve McHale
John J. McNally, CPA
John B. McNally, Esq.
Joseph D. McNamara
Mary Jo McNamara
John McShain, DSC
James G. McSherry
Martha E. McTigue and James M. Mack
M Eleanor Mecke
Theodore H. Mecke, Jr.
Michael J. Melko Jr.
John A. Mellon
Walter J. Meyers, Jr.
Martha E. Miano
James C. Miller
William B. Miller
John C. Mitkus
Georgette M. Most
Michael G. Mullen
Daniel R. Mullin
Paul J. Murphy
Paul F. Naughton
Ruth and Anthony J. Nocella
Helen F. North, Ph.D.
G. Dennis O'Brien, Ph.D.
Desmond S. O'Doherty, M.D.
Estate of Elsie E. O'Halloran
Estateof Martin J. O'Halloran
Francis R. O'Hara, Esq.
Selma C. and Richard P. Peregoy
John B. Pilewicz
Margaret Webster Plass
David T. Poiesz
Ronald H. Polenz
Frank V. Possinger
Dennis M. Powell
Stanley T. Praiss, DDS, MAGD
Thomas F. Pyle Jr.
William L. Quay, Ph.D.
Isolde Radzinowicz
Frank A. Reilly
Charles J. Reinhardt
Joseph P. Rhein
Daniel S. Robins, Ph.D.
John J. Robinson
Joseph G. Roddy
George J A Roken, Jr.
C. Jules Rominger, M.D.
John J. Rooney, Ph.D.
Dennis R. Rubisch, CPA
Richard S. Rueda, Esq.
Zoe Rueda
Joseph J. Ruzicka
Stuart S. Sacks, Esq.
Joseph Richard Sadowski
John O. Saeger
Carlo J. Salzano
Arthur Sandstrom
James P. Scanlin
Marcella B. (Kuttler) Schankweiler
Leo J. Schilling Jr.
John W. Schmidt
Louise M. Schmidt
Joseph J. Schmitz, Jr.
Alan M. Schwartz
Thomas D. Scott II
Kenneth Shaw Jr.
Helene C. Sheehan
Col. James P. Sheehan, Retired
Thomas W. Sheehan
Neil S. Silverman, M.D.
Anneva L. Smith
Edgar Charles Smith, Jr., M.D.
Guy Tom Sottile
Barbara A. Spaulding, MBA
Francis Joseph Speiser
Charles E. Stahlecker
Alice M. and Arthur C. Stanley
Frank Stanton
Edward J. Stemmler, M.D.
Margaret R. (Ryan) and Edward E. Strang
Elizabeth (Shaw) and Thomas F. Strickland Jr.
Michael L. Sullivan
Joseph J. Thomas
Estate of Mary Veronica Tomasco
Charles J. Varker
Edward J. Vasoli
Raymond T. Vasoli
John H. Veen
Beth R. and Anthony F. Verlezza, MBA
John C. Volz
Elizabeth A. Ward
Leonard A. Ward
Leonard A. Ward
William M. Warfel, Ph.D., R.N.
William M. Warfel, Ph.D., R.N.
John F. White
John F. White
Gordon C. Zahn
Gordon C. Zahn
Bruce E. Zehnle
Bruce E. Zehnle